Getting Your RV Ready for the Season

Winter is here and that means that colder weather is on its way too. It’s likely your RV is parked for the season and won’t put it back in service until next year. It’s important to winterize your RV and protect your investment against the harsh weather. Here are tips on how to get your RV ready for the season.

Drain the water tanks

The first step to winterize your RV is to drain existing water from the black, grey, and freshwater holding tanks. Locate the valves for each and drain accordingly. The black and grey tanks contain waste and non-potable water. They should only be drained at an RV dump station usually found at RV campsites.

Drain the Water Heater to Winterize your RV

The next largest receptacle of water in your RV is the water heater. Before draining, turn off the water heater a day before draining to prevent burns. Locate the water heater along the side of your RV. There will be a pressure value and a drain plug. Release the pressure valve first to drain some of the water. When the pressure has released, remove the drain plug to release the remaining water.

Some RV models will have an anode rod plug in the place of a drain plug. The process for draining is the same. The anode rod will likely show signs of wear when removed. Purchase a new anode rod, but don’t put it in the tank until you use your RV again.

Winterize Your RV by Draining Pipes, Valves, and Faucets

The next step to winterize your RV is to drain water from the pipes and faucets. First, locate the low point valve on the bottom of your vehicle and open it. Next, open the faucets inside until they are clear. Flush the toilet until there is no water coming from it as well. Don’t forget to also drain the shower and any external water faucets.

If you have an air compressor, you can expel even more water from your system using some pressure at this time. This will ensure that your lines are completely free of water. Don’t forget to close the low point valve when you’re done.

Bypass Water Heater

Fill the water lines with antifreeze but bypass the water heater first. Filling your hot water tank with antifreeze is not something you should do.

Locate the water heater bypass valve, which will be located on the back of the water heater. Access it from the inside of your RV. Close the valves for the intake and output pipes and open the bypass valve.

Use Antifreeze to Winterize Your RV

The last step to winterize your RV is to fill your water lines with antifreeze. Purchase a pump conversion kit, which will allow you to attach a siphon hose to your water pump, by way of a special valve.

Insert the hose into a bottle of antifreeze, turn on the water pump, and then open the faucets in your RV. Keep the faucet open until you see the antifreeze come through. Do the same thing for the shower, toilet, and external faucets. Also, release the low point valve until you see antifreeze come through

Finally, pour antifreeze into the p-trap of your sink and also in your toilet to keep standing water from freezing.

Protecting Your Investment

Following these steps will protect the water lines in your RV and keep it in good condition. When preparing your RV for use next year, don’t forget to flush the antifreeze, close the bypass valves and return the water heater valves to the correct position.

Lady and the Wrench offers RV inspection services and repairs to customers in Pensacola, FL, and the surrounding areas. Contact us to schedule an appointment.